What does this measure?
The cumulative percentage change in average salary since 2000.
Why is this important?
Salaries are a gauge of overall economic health and a measure of the degree to which employees are sharing in the prosperity of a community. They also indicate the vitality of a region and its ability to compete and attract workers.
How is our county doing?
The total average salary in Essex County has increased 15% between 2000 and 2021. This compares to growth of 26% in the state and 22% in the nation. Essex County had an average salary of $71,200 in 2021.
How do we compare to other counties?
Essex County's change in average salary was below the comparison counties. The comparison counties had increases of 21% to 29%. Middlesex, MA had the highest average salary ($106,100), followed by Westchester, NY ($88,600) and Lake County, IL ($86,600).
Notes about the data
Data are presented in constant 2021 dollars. Worker salaries are reported by place of work, not residence. Data for this indicator are expected to be released in the third quarter.